ESPN New York
Your City, Your Teams, Your New ESPN.
Seated at the intersection of life and sports, our knowledgeable and entertaining personalities take you through your day. They don’t just talk about the game … they’re in the game! It all goes down in the greatest sports city in the world. ESPN New York is your radio home of the Knicks, Rangers, NBA Finals and the World Series.
Office: 332-267-0250
Studio: 800-919-ESPN (3776)
Sales Inquiries: Partner with Us
880 AM Lineup
12a-6a: SportsCenter AllNight
6a-10a:Â DiPietro & Rothenberg
10a-12p: Greeny
12p-3p: Bart and Hahn
3p-6:30p: The Michael Kay Show
6:30p-9p: The Dan Graca Show
9p-12a: ESPN Network
9p-11p: Fridays - Weekend Wager with Anita Marks
Mid-1a: The FeinLine with Joe Wiz
7a-8a: The FeinLine with Joe Wiz
8a-12p: ESPN New York Saturday
12p-3p: Anita Marks
3p-6p: Pat O'Keefe
5a-6a: NY Sports and Beyond
6a-7a: The FeinLine with Joe Wiz
7a-8a: Fantasy Forecast with Anita Marks
8a-11a: NY Gameday
11a-6p: ESPN New York Sunday
6p-mid: Sunday Night Baseball
ESPN New York is your radio home of the Knicks, Rangers, NBA Finals and the World Series.
1050 AM Lineup
12a-6a: SportCenter AllNight
6a-10a:Â Unsportsmanlike with Evan, Canty, & Michelle
10a-12p: Greeny
12p-3p: Carlin vs. Joe
3p-7p: Freddie & Harry
7p-10p: Amber & Ian
10p-mid: GameNight with Q Myers
Mid-7a: SportsCenter AllNight
7a-10a: Marty & McGee
10a-1p: Dari & Mel
1p-4p: GameDay
4p-7p: Primetime
7p-Mid: GameNight
Mid-7a: SportsCenter AllNight
7a-10a: Best Week Ever
10a-1p: Sunday Morning
1p-4p: GameDay
4p-7p: Primetime
7p-Mid: GameNight
EEO Report 2023-24 for WEPN-AM and WEPN-FM