Community Relations
Bernie’s Book Bank
David Kaplan leads the “Walk as One” event, walking 24 miles to raise money for the organization, which creates opportunities for under-served children through literacy.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Our West Palm team walked for the organization whose mission is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with CF the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quality, specialized care.
National MS Society
Our Chicago team supports the National MS Society, whose mission is to cure multiple sclerosis while empowering people affected by MS to live their best lives.
SHARP Literacy
Each year our Milwaukee team, sponsors the SHARP Literacy Unwrapped Event. SHARP partners with educators to foster a love of learning and brighten children’s futures through innovative STEAM-based experiential programs.
United Performing Arts Fund
UPAF funds 40 diverse local performing arts organizations and raise funds to ensure entertainment excellence, promote the performing arts as a regional asset, and steward the dollars raised by donors.
Urban Ecology Center
Our Milwaukee team helped to clean up and revitalize the Urban Ecology Center in Washington Park, an organization that provides year-round educational programs for youth and parks for locals to explore.