Event Series GKB University

Thank You Culture

GKB University

What does having a rich Thank You culture mean? Listen to teammates share how they adopted Thank You Culture as part of their process and what that has meant for teammate & partner relationship development.

Event Series GKB University

Multi-Channel Campaigns

GKB University

Do you want to learn more about continuity of messaging? Do you want to learn more about theme development that flows through 2 or more assets? How do teammates present multi-channel campaigns with success? How can you improve and think like a marketer?

Event Series GKB University

Where Do You Work & What’s New?

GKB University

Have you ever been asked, “Where do you work?” or “What do you do for a living?”, how did you respond and were you prepared to respond? How confident are you in your elevator speech? Submit your overarching elevator Speech to training@goodkarmabrands.com, by 5/1/2023 for your chance to win a $100.00 Amazon Gift Card.