Do you have a friend, a relative, and/or a family friend that could be a referral source for you? Are you worried they “don’t think of you in that way,” or are you just uncomfortable asking for help? This is a common fear that many people in business experience, especially in sales.
To demonstrate this fear, I am going to use a conversation I had with Nicole Hutchins, a GKB salesperson with an impressive track record of success that includes some of our biggest partnerships in company history. Nicole told me how she was getting blown off by a marketing contact at a large local company. She then explained that her family is good friends with the COO of this company. When I asked what the COO thought of her marketing employee blowing Nicole off, Nicole said the COO/family friend was unaware this was happening. Nicole saw the look on my face and then said something like, “She’s known me since I was 10, so they don’t know business professional Nicole.”
Unfortunately for Nicole, the look on my face meant she was about to be cross-examined with some rapid-fire questions. The questions were as follows:
- Do you believe GKB’s marketing solutions can help this company reach and exceed their goals?
- Would you need a couple of meetings with the marketing person to figure out how and what would be best to help them reach and exceed their objectives?
- Do you think your good family friend/COO would want her company to reach and exceed their goals?
- Do you want your family friend to be successful, and for their company to reach and exceed their goals?
- Do you think your family friend, that has known you since you were ten, wants you to be successful?
Since Nicole answered yes to all these questions, I only had one last question for her:
Why are you being selfish and not giving your family friend the best opportunity to be successful, while simultaneously not giving yourself an opportunity to be more successful?
Although I am picking on Nicole a little (with her permission…thanks Nicole), this is a totally normal fear that many salespeople experience. You might even think it’s more of an inexperienced salesperson challenge, however, fear can creep in at all stages of our career. Always remember that our goal is to help, and it is selfish to not be willing to explore the opportunity to help our friends. Additionally, it’s a win-win for the referral source. They are helping you (who they care about), and they are helping their business and/or someone else’s business where they have a good relationship. Don’t be selfish, help your friend by asking for help.